2012年5月1日 星期二

印象咖啡工作室 2012 5-6月咖啡豆單

Cafe' de Impression  Offering List, May-June 2012

“Opus One” Espresso 一號交響曲義式 NTD350/0.5Lb ($12/8oz.)
Coffee Review: 91pts!
House Blend 家常綜合
Balanced, Sweet, Chocolate
Medium-Dark 中深烘焙

“Garden” Blend 花園綜合 NTD600/0.5Lb ($20/8oz.) 
Signature Blend 招牌特調
Slight floral, Tangerine note, Chocolate, Balanced
Medium 中度烘焙

“Blue Note” 藍調  NTD$350/0.5Lb ($12/8oz.)
Sumatra Blend 蘇門答臘綜合 
Bold, Berry, Cedar, Herbal, Syrup
 Medium 中度烘焙

“Tchembe” 倩碧  NTD$500/0.5Lb ($18/8oz.)
Ethiopia Single Origin, Natural 伊索比亞 單一產區 日曬處理
Explosive aroma, Berry note, Fruity, Silky
Light 淺烘焙

“Suke Quto” 蘇克夸托  NTD$350/0.5Lb ($12/8oz.)
Ethiopia Single Origin, Washed  衣索比亞 單一產區  水洗處理
Citrus, Floral, Honey-sweetness 
Light 淺烘焙

“Owl” 貓頭鷹 NTD$1350/0.5Lb ($45/8oz.)
Hawaii Kona Extra Fancy Single Farm 美國夏威夷 單一農園
Good body, Sweet, Creamy, Silky
Medium-Light 中淺烘焙

“Yellow Stone” 黃石 NTD$350/0.5Lb ($12/8oz.)
El Salvador Single Farm Honey Process 薩爾瓦多 單一農園 蜜處理
Tropical fruit, Sweetness, Nutty flavor
Medium-Light 中淺烘焙

固定烘焙日: 5/7 5/14 5/21 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/18 6/25
Roast Date: 5/7 5/14 5/21 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/18 6/25  

付款方式: ATM轉帳
郵局代碼 700
帳號 0101278-0127944

For international order (outside Taiwan):
If you're interested in our coffees, please contact us on this email:subman0908@yahoo.com.tw
To place an order, email us and leave your name, phone number, coffee names and quantity, delivery address and Paypal account. 

Thank you,
Cafe de Impression
